
I was doing a simple updateByKey transformation and print on the data received 
from socket, and spark version is 1.4.0. The first submit went all right, but 
after I kill (CTRL + C) the job and submit again. Apparently spark was trying 
to recover from the checkpoint data , but then the exception occured. So I'm 
wondering why this happen and how to fix it. 

Answers I found on google is "Set the storage level of input DStream to 
MEMORY_AND_DISK" or "set spark.streaming.stopGracefullyOnShutdown to true", but 
neither works. 

I was using nc -lk 9999 as data server, notice that this problem will always 
happen in which case I send a few message and shutdown the job immediately. 

The code and driver logs is in the attachment.  



Attachment: driver logs.md
Description: Binary data

Attachment: TestRestart.scala
Description: Binary data

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