Re: --jars works in yarn-client but not yarn-cluster mode, why?

2015-05-20 Thread Marcelo Vanzin
Hello, Sorry for the delay. The issue you're running into is because most HBase classes are in the system class path, while jars added with --jars are only visible to the application class loader created by Spark. So classes in the system class path cannot see them. You can work around this by

Re: --jars works in yarn-client but not yarn-cluster mode, why?

2015-05-20 Thread Fengyun RAO
Thank you so much, Marcelo! It WORKS! 2015-05-21 2:05 GMT+08:00 Marcelo Vanzin Hello, Sorry for the delay. The issue you're running into is because most HBase classes are in the system class path, while jars added with --jars are only visible to the application class

Re: --jars works in yarn-client but not yarn-cluster mode, why?

2015-05-19 Thread Fengyun RAO
Thanks, Marcelo! Below is the full log, SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings. SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH-5.4.0-1.cdh5.4.0.p0.27/jars/slf4j-log4j12-1.7.5.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class] SLF4J: Found binding in

Re: --jars works in yarn-client but not yarn-cluster mode, why?

2015-05-14 Thread Fengyun RAO
thanks, Wilfred. In our program, the htrace-core-3.1.0-incubating.jar dependency is only required in the executor, not in the driver. while in both yarn-client and yarn-cluster, the executor runs in cluster. and it's clearly in yarn-cluster mode, the jar IS in spark.yarn.secondary.jars, but

Re: --jars works in yarn-client but not yarn-cluster mode, why?

2015-05-13 Thread Fengyun RAO
I look into the Environment in both modes. yarn-client: spark.jars local:/opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/lib/hbase/lib/htrace-core-3.1.0-incubating.jar,file:/home/xxx/my-app.jar yarn-cluster: spark.yarn.secondary.jars local:/opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/lib/hbase/lib/htrace-core-3.1.0-incubating.jar I

--jars works in yarn-client but not yarn-cluster mode, why?

2015-05-13 Thread Fengyun RAO
Hadoop version: CDH 5.4. We need to connect to HBase, thus need extra /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/lib/hbase/lib/htrace-core-3.1.0-incubating.jar dependency. It works in yarn-client mode: spark-submit --class --master yarn-client --num-executors 10 --executor-memory 10g --jars