Hello everyone,

I recently encountered a situation where I needed to add a custom classpath resource to my driver and access it from an included library (specifically a configuration file for a custom Dataframe Reader).

I need to use it from both inside an application which I submit to the cluster using /spark-submit --deploy-mode cluster/ as well as from the spark shell when doing computations manually.

Adding it to the application was easy. I just distributed the file throughout the cluster using /--files <path_to_file>/ and added it to the driver's classpath using /--driver-class-path <filename>/. The file would then be obtainable using, for example, /Thread.currentThread.getContextClassLoader.getResourceAsStream//(...)/.

The problem was when I wanted to do the same thing in the Spark shell. I tried adding the the file to the classpath using the same way as well as /--driver-class-path <path_to_file>/, etc., but I cannot access it in any way. Either using the library or directly from the shell.

How does the Spark shell's classloading facilities work and how should I solve this problem?


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