
This tricky bit.

I use the following to get the current data and time

scala> val date = java.time.LocalDate.now.toString
date: String = 2016-09-13
scala> val hour = java.time.LocalTime.now.toString
hour: String = 11:49:13.577

I store a column called TIMECREATED as String in hdfs. For now these values
look like this

scala> val df3 = df2.filter('security > " " && 'price > "10" &&
'TIMECREATED >  current_date()).select('TIMECREATED, current_date(),
datediff(current_date(), 'TIMECREATED).as("datediff")).show(2)
|        TIMECREATED|current_date()|datediff|
|2016-09-13 08:49:31|    2016-09-13|       0|
|2016-09-13 08:49:54|    2016-09-13|       0|
Which shows rows for today

Now I want to find all the rows where the rows are created in the past
15 minutes?

In other words something similar to this

*DATEDIFF* ( *date-part*, *date-expression1*, *date-expression2* )

Any available implementation


Dr Mich Talebzadeh

LinkedIn * 


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