
I'm using spark streaming 1.0. I create dstream with kafkautils and
apply some operations on it. There's a reduceByWindow operation at
last so I suppose the checkpoint interval should be automatically set
to more than 10 seconds. But what I see is it still checkpoint every 2
seconds (my batch interval), and from the log I see:

[2014-09-17 16:43:25,096] INFO Checkpoint interval automatically set
to 12000 ms (org.apache.spark.streaming.dstream.ReducedWindowedDStream)
[2014-09-17 16:43:25,105] INFO Checkpoint interval = null
[2014-09-17 16:43:25,107] INFO Checkpoint interval = null
[2014-09-17 16:43:25,108] INFO Checkpoint interval = null
[2014-09-17 16:43:25,108] INFO Checkpoint interval = null
[2014-09-17 16:43:25,109] INFO Checkpoint interval = null
[2014-09-17 16:43:25,110] INFO Checkpoint interval = null
[2014-09-17 16:43:25,110] INFO Checkpoint interval = null
[2014-09-17 16:43:25,111] INFO Checkpoint interval = 12000 ms
[2014-09-17 16:43:25,111] INFO Checkpoint interval = null

So does it mean I have to set checkpoint interval for all the dstreams?


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