I have been trying to start p sparkR but always get the error about monitorPort:

 \ --driver-class-path $JDBCJAR \ --driver-library-path $HOME/jaguar/lib \ 
--conf spark.executor.extraClassPath=$JDBCJAR \ --conf 

Launching java with spark-submit command 
/home/exeray/opt/spark/bin/spark-submit   "--conf" 
"spark.driver.extraLibraryPath=/home/exeray/jaguar/lib" "--conf" 
"spark.driver.extraClassPath=/path/to/your/jaguar-jdbc-2.0.jar" "--conf" 
"spark.executor.extraLibraryPath=/home/exeray/jaguar/lib" "--conf" 
"sparkr-shell" /tmp/RtmpGbIfCx/backend_port3f704328c68dError in 
socketConnection(port = monitorPort) :  cannot open the connectionIn addition: 
Warning message:In socketConnection(port = monitorPort) : localhost:42600 
cannot be openedDuring startup - Warning message:package ‘SparkR’ was built 
under R version 3.2.1

Is there some config I am missing? Not much help from google. Every time port 
number <42600> changes to a different one,
 Best regards,  Jonathan

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