I'm using Spark(2.1.1)  streaming as Consumer for Kakfa messages.

I've a data pipeline where I continuously (hourly) save offsets to  HBase.
So that I can replay stream from certain offset in case of errors in data

I'm able to start the stream at a certain offset, but don't know of a way to
stop the stream after I reach the end offset. I'm using the following API:

        Map<TopicPartition, Long> replayOffset = new HashMap<>();
        replayOffsets.put(new TopicPartition(topicPrefix, 0), offsets[0]);

        List<TopicPartition> topicPartitionList = new ArrayList<>();
        topicPartitionList.add(new TopicPartition(topicPrefix, 0));

        JavaInputDStream<ConsumerRecord&lt;String, String>> messages =
            ConsumerStrategies.<String, String>Assign(topicPartitionList,
kafkaParams, replayOffset)

I would like to know if there is an API or a solution for this use case.



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