Re: Issues in reading a CSV file from local file system using spark-shell

2015-07-01 Thread Akhil Das
Since its a windows machine, you are very likely to be hitting this one Thanks Best Regards On Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 12:36 AM, Sourav Mazumder wrote: Hi, I'm running Spark 1.4.0 without Hadoop. I'm using the binary

Issues in reading a CSV file from local file system using spark-shell

2015-06-30 Thread Sourav Mazumder
Hi, I'm running Spark 1.4.0 without Hadoop. I'm using the binary spark-1.4.0-bin-hadoop2.6. I start the spark-shell as : spark-shell --master local[2] --packages com.databricks:spark-csv_2.11:1.1.0 --executor-memory 2G --conf spark.local.dir=C:/Users/Sourav. Then I run : val df =