Hi Jianshi,

When accessing a Hive table with Parquet SerDe, Spark SQL tries to convert
it into Spark SQL's native Parquet support for better performance. And yes,
predicate push-down, column pruning are applied here. In 1.3.0, we'll also
cover the write path except for writing partitioned table.


On Sun Feb 15 2015 at 9:22:15 AM Jianshi Huang <jianshi.hu...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> If I have a table in Hive metastore saved as Parquet, and I want to use it
> in Spark. It seems Spark will use Hive's Parquet serde to load the actual
> data.
> So is there any difference here? Will predicate pushdown, pruning and
> future Parquet optimizations in SparkSQL work for using Hive serde?
> Loading tables using parquetFile vs. loading tables from Hive metastore
> with Parquet serde
> Thanks,
> --
> Jianshi Huang
> LinkedIn: jianshi
> Twitter: @jshuang
> Github & Blog: http://huangjs.github.com/

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