Tried with reduce and it's giving me pretty weird results that make no sense 
ie:  1  number for an entire RDD

  val smaStream= inputStream.reduce{ case(t1,t2) =>
      val sma= average.addDataPoint(t1)

Tried with transform and that worked correctly, but unfortunately, it works 1 
RDD at a time so the moving average is reset when the next consecutive RDD is 
read .. as if a new instance of the Average class is created for each RDD.

Is there a way to have 1 global variable of custom type (ie my case Average 
type) .. somewhat like accumulators, but not incrementable in parallel - it 
wouldn't make sense for a moving average.

The reason I want to apply a moving average function to a stream is so that  
the tuples remain in Spark and benefit from its fault tolerant mechanisms.

My guess is that currently this is not possible, but I'll wait for one of the 
Spark creators to comment on this.


From: Benjamin Black []
Sent: March-26-14 11:50 AM
Subject: Re: closures & moving averages (state)

Perhaps you want reduce rather than map?

On Wednesday, March 26, 2014, Adrian Mocanu 
<<>> wrote:
I'm passing a moving average function during the map phase like this:
  val average= new Sma(window=3)> average.addNumber(x))

  class Sma extends Serializable { .. }

I also tried to put creation of object average in an object like I saw in 
another post:
 object Average {
    val smaFn = new VSRTXYSimpleMovingAverage[(String, Long)](3)
Every time  average.addNumber is called it is a new instance.
How can I preserve state of average object?


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