Hello Spark Streaming Gurus,

for better automation I need to manage my Spark Streaming Applications remotely. These applications read from Kafka and therefore have a receiver job and are started via spark-submit. For now I have only found a REST-API for killing Spark applications remotely, but that only works if the Spark application runs on a Standalone Spark Server.

Q1: Is it correct that the Spark WebUI does not provide any way of killing an application via a REST call? Should I file a JIRA for this?

My second question/ problem is around the fact that even for the Standalone Spark Server I am unable to get timely/complete shutdowns:

I see long delays until the spark-submit OS process terminates after the kill has been sent. This delay happens even though spark-submit immediately recognizes the kill on stdout:

org.apache.spark.SparkException: Job aborted due to stage failure: Master removed our application: KILLED

But then hangs and to me it looks like the Spark receiver is never shut down and may even be running for ever on the Spark Standalone server: the application is marked in status "KILLED", but the link "Application Detail UI" still works and shows that "Streaming job running receiver 0 (Job 2)" is still running.

Note 1: when I kill the same spark-submit job using Ctrl-C, the application immediately stops as expected. Including the shutdown of Kafka Receiver. On the Spark Standalone server the application is then in status "FINISHED" and the link "Application Detail UI" takes me to "Application history not found (app-20160324022723-0015)".

Q2: Should the REST-API call have (immediately) shut down my spark-submit job? Should I file a JIRA for this problem?

Background: Even thought Ctrl-C on spark-submit seems to work fine, this is no options for my Spark automation. Besides general design concerns my monitoring JVM may have been restarted after spark-submit has been started and therefore I cannot rely on the monitoring application to have access to the spark-submit OS process.

Any thoughts are much appreciated,

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