Re: Can't I mix non-Spark properties into a .properties file and pass it to spark-submit via --properties-file?

2015-02-18 Thread Emre Sevinc
Thanks to everyone for suggestions and explanations. Currently I've started to experiment with the following scenario, that seems to work for me: - Put the properties file on a web server so that it is centrally available - Pass it to the Spark driver program via --conf 'propertiesFile=http:

Re: Can't I mix non-Spark properties into a .properties file and pass it to spark-submit via --properties-file?

2015-02-17 Thread Charles Feduke
Emre, As you are keeping the properties file external to the JAR you need to make sure to submit the properties file as an additional --files (or whatever the necessary CLI switch is) so all the executors get a copy of the file along with the JAR. If you know you are going to just put the

Re: Can't I mix non-Spark properties into a .properties file and pass it to spark-submit via --properties-file?

2015-02-17 Thread Gerard Maas
+1 for TypeSafe config Our practice is to include all spark properties under a 'spark' entry in the config file alongside job-specific configuration: A config file would look like: spark { master = cleaner.ttl = 123456 ... } job { context { src = foo action =

Re: Can't I mix non-Spark properties into a .properties file and pass it to spark-submit via --properties-file?

2015-02-17 Thread Emre Sevinc
I've decided to try spark-submit ... --conf spark.driver.extraJavaOptions=-DpropertiesFile=/home/emre/data/ But when I try to retrieve the value of propertiesFile via System.err.println(propertiesFile : + System.getProperty(propertiesFile)); I get NULL:

Re: Can't I mix non-Spark properties into a .properties file and pass it to spark-submit via --properties-file?

2015-02-16 Thread Corey Nolet
We've been using commons configuration to pull our properties out of properties files and system properties (prioritizing system properties over others) and we add those properties to our spark conf explicitly and we use ArgoPartser to get the command line argument for which property file to load.

Re: Can't I mix non-Spark properties into a .properties file and pass it to spark-submit via --properties-file?

2015-02-16 Thread Sean Owen
Since SparkConf is only for Spark properties, I think it will in general only pay attention to and preserve spark.* properties. You could experiment with that. In general I wouldn't rely on Spark mechanisms for your configuration, and you can use any config mechanism you like to retain your own

Re: Can't I mix non-Spark properties into a .properties file and pass it to spark-submit via --properties-file?

2015-02-16 Thread Emre Sevinc
Sean, I'm trying this as an alternative to what I currently do. Currently I have my file for my module in the resources directory, and that file is put inside the über JAR file when I build my application with Maven, and then when I submit it using spark-submit, I can read that

Re: Can't I mix non-Spark properties into a .properties file and pass it to spark-submit via --properties-file?

2015-02-16 Thread Charles Feduke
I haven't actually tried mixing non-Spark settings into the Spark properties. Instead I package my properties into the jar and use the Typesafe Config[1] - v1.2.1 - library (along with Ficus[2] - Scala specific) to get at my properties: Properties file: src/main/resources/integration.conf (below