Hi all,

I've read the docs for Spark SQL 2.1.0 but I'm still having issues with the 
warehouse and related details.

I'm not using Hive proper, so my hive-site.xml consists only of:


I've set "spark.sql.warehouse.dir" in my "spark-defaults.conf", however the 
location in my catalog doesn't match:

scala> spark.conf.get("spark.sql.warehouse.dir")
res8: String = file://mnt/data/spark/warehouse

scala> spark.conf.get("hive.metastore.warehouse.dir")
res9: String = file://mnt/data/spark/warehouse

scala> spark.catalog.listDatabases.show(false)
|name   |description          |locationUri |
|default|Default Hive database|file:/home/me/spark-warehouse|

I've also tried setting "spark.sql.warehouse.dir" to a valid HDFS path to no 

My application loads both ORC tables and AVRO files (using spark-avro) from 
When I load a table using spark.sql("select * from orc.`my-table-in-hdfs`"), I 
see WARN ObjectStore: Failed to get database orc, returning NoSuchObjectException.
When I load an AVRO file from HDFS using spark.read.avro(filename) , I see WARN 
DataSource: Error while looking for metadata directory.

Any ideas as to what I'm doing wrong?

Joe Naegele
Grier Forensics

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