Re: Spark GraphX + TitanDB + Cassandra?

2016-01-29 Thread Nick Pentreath
Hi Joe A while ago I was running a Titan + HBase datastore to store graph data. I then used Spark (via TitanHBaseInputFormat, you could use the Cassandra version) to access a RDD[Vertex] that I performed analytics and machine learning on. That could form the basis of putting the data into a form

Spark GraphX + TitanDB + Cassandra?

2016-01-26 Thread Joe Bako
I’ve found some references online to various implementations (such as Dendrite) leveraging HDFS via TitanDB + HBase for graph processing. GraphLab also uses HDFS/Hadoop. I am wondering if (and how) one might use TitanDB + Cassandra as the data source for Spark GraphX? The Gremlin language