I am working on a modified Spark core and have a Broadcast variable which I
deserialize to obtain an RDD along with its set of dependencies, as is done
in ShuffleMapTask, as following:

val taskBinary: Broadcast[Array[Byte]]var (rdd, dep) =
ser.deserialize[(RDD[_], ShuffleDependency[_, _, _])](

However, I want to wrap this rdd by a ShuffledRDD because I need to apply a
custom partitioner to it ,and I am doing this by:

var wrappedRDD = new ShuffledRDD[_ ,_, _](rdd[_ <: Product2[Any,
Any]], context.getCustomPartitioner())

but it results in an error:

Error:unbound wildcard type rdd = new ShuffledRDD[_ ,_, _ ](rdd[_ <:
Product2[Any, Any]], context.getCustomPartitioner())

The problem is that I don't know how to replace these wildcards with any
inferred type as I its supposed to be dynamic and I have no idea what would
be the inferred type of the original rdd. Any idea how I could resolved

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