I have a case where I use partitionBy to write my DF using a calculated
column, so it looks somethings like this:

val df = spark.sql("select *, from_unixtime(ts, 'yyyyMMddH')
partition_key from mytable")


df is 8 partitions in size (spark.sql.shuffle.partitions is set to 8) and
partition_key usually has 1 or 2 distinct values.
When the write action begins it's split into 330 tasks and takes much
longer than it should but if I switch to the following code instead it
works as expected with 8 tasks:

spark.sql("set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict")
spark.sql("insert into partitioned_table select * from tab")

Any idea why is this happening ?
How does partitionBy decide to repartition the DF ?

Thank you,

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