Our project is having a hard time following what we are supposed to do to 
migrate this function from Spark 1.2 to 1.3.

   * Dump matrix as computed Mahout's DRM into specified (HD)FS path
   * @param path
  def dfsWrite(path: String) = {
    val ktag = implicitly[ClassTag[K]]
    //val vtag = implicitly[ClassTag[Vector]]

    implicit val k2wFunc: (K) => Writable =
      if (ktag.runtimeClass == classOf[Int]) (x: K) => new 
      else if (ktag.runtimeClass == classOf[String]) (x: K) => new 
      else if (ktag.runtimeClass == classOf[Long]) (x: K) => new 
      else if (classOf[Writable].isAssignableFrom(ktag.runtimeClass)) (x: K) => 
      else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Do not know how to convert class 
tag %s to Writable.".format(ktag))

// the problem is here =====
    // this worked in Spark 1.2 and as we understand things should in 1.3 if we 
have the right implicits
    //  rdd.saveAsSequenceFile(path)

    // this works in Spark 1.3 but uses a deprecated method

As we understand it, we need to supply implicit writeable factories now instead 
of writables? The rdd is a sequence of key = one of the classes above, value = 
a Mahout “Vector". These are usually serialized through Kryo (not 
JavaSerializer) for closures so we have compatible classes for that. 

Any pointers would be helpful.
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