spark-ec2 script problems

2015-03-05 Thread roni
Hi , I used spark-ec2 script to create ec2 cluster. Now I am trying copy data from s3 into hdfs. I am doing this *root@ip-172-31-21-160 ephemeral-hdfs]$ bin/hadoop distcp s3://xxx/home/mydata/small.sam hdfs://

Re: spark-ec2 script problems

2015-03-05 Thread Akhil Das
It works pretty fine for me with the script comes with 1.2.0 release. Here's a few things which you can try: - Add your s3 credentials to the core-site.xml property namefs.s3.awsAccessKeyId/name valueID/value/propertyproperty namefs.s3.awsSecretAccessKey/name valueSECRET/value/property - Do a