I am running into a weird issue in Spark 1.6, which I was wondering if
anyone has encountered before. I am running a simple select query from
spark using a jdbc connection to postgres: val POSTGRES_DRIVER: String =
"org.postgresql.Driver" val srcSql = """select total_action_value,
last_updated from fb_fact_no_seg_20180123 where ad_id =
'23842688418150437'"" val r = sqlContext.read.format("jdbc").options(Map(
"url" -> jdbcUrl, "dbtable" -> s"($srcSql) as src" , "driver" ->
POSTGRES_DRIVER )).load().coalesce(1).cache() r.show
+------------------+--------------------+ |total_action_value|
last_updated| +------------------+--------------------+ |
2743.3301|2018-02-06 00:18:...| +------------------+--------------------+
>From above you see that the result is 2743.3301, but when I run the same
query directly in postgres I get a slightly different answer: select
total_action_value, last_updated from fb_fact_no_seg_20180123 where ad_id =
'23842688418150437'; total_action_value | last_updated
--------------------+--------------------- 2743.33 | 2018-02-06 00:18:08 As
you can see from above the value is 2743.33. So why is the result coming
from spark off by .0001; basically where is .0001 coming from since in
postgres the decimal value is .33? Thanks, KP

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