Hello,Since Dataset has no zip(..) methods, so I wrote following code to zip 
two datasets: 

1       def zipDatasets[X: Encoder, Y: Encoder](spark: SparkSession, m: 
Dataset[X], n: Dataset[Y]) = {
2               val rdd = m.rdd.zip(n.rdd);
3               import spark.implicits._
4               spark.createDataset(rdd);
5       }

However, in the m.rdd.zip(…) call, compile error is reported:   No ClassTag 
available for Y

I know this error can be corrected when I declare Y as a ClassTag like this:

1       def foo[X: Encoder, Y: ClassTag](spark: SparkSession, …

But this will make line 5 report a new error:
        Unable to find encoder for type stored in a Dataset.

Now, I have no idea to solve this problem. How to declared Y as both an Encoder 
and a ClassTag?

Many thanks!

Best regards,
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