
I've installed Spark on a Windows 7 machine.  I can get the SparkShell up
and running but when running through the simple example in Getting Started,
I get the following error (tried running as administrator as well) - any

scala> val textFile = sc.textFile("README.md")
14/08/11 08:55:52 WARN SizeEstimator: Failed to check whether
UseCompressedOops is set; assuming yes
14/08/11 08:55:52 INFO MemoryStore: ensureFreeSpace(34220) called with
curMem=0,  maxMem=322122547
14/08/11 08:55:52 INFO MemoryStore: Block broadcast_0 stored as values to
memory  (estimated size 33.4 KB, free 307.2 MB)
textFile: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[String] = MappedRDD[1] at textFile at

scala> textFile.count()

*14/08/10 08:55:58 ERROR UserGroupInformation: Can't find user in Subject:*
*        Principal: NTUserPrincipal: danfoisy*

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