Spark SQL Json Parse

2016-03-03 Thread barisak
Hi, I have a problem with Json Parser. I am using spark streaming with hiveContext for keeping json format tweets. The flume collects tweets and sink to hdfs path. My spark streaming job checks the hdfs path and convert coming json tweets and insert them to hive table. My problem is that ; Some

Spark Avarage

2015-04-06 Thread barisak
Hi I have a class in above desc. case class weatherCond(dayOfdate: String, minDeg: Int, maxDeg: Int, meanDeg: Int) I am reading the data from csv file and I put this data into weatherCond class with this code val weathersRDD = sc.textFile(weather.csv).map { line = val

Streaming Linear Regression

2015-02-19 Thread barisak
Hi I tried to run Streaming Linear Regression in my local. val trainingData = ssc.textFileStream(/home/barisakgu/Desktop/Spark/train).map(LabeledPoint.parse) textFileStream is not seeing the new files. I search on the Internet, and I saw that somebody has same issue but no solution is found