I have a *kafka* stream coming in with some input topic.
This is the code i wrote for accepting *kafka* stream.

*>>> conf = SparkConf().setAppName(appname)
>>> sc = SparkContext(conf=conf)
>>> ssc = StreamingContext(sc)
>>> kvs = KafkaUtils.createDirectStream(ssc, topics,\
                {"metadata.broker.list": brokers})*

Then I create two DStreams of the keys and values of the original stream.

*>>> keys = kvs.map(lambda x: x[0].split(" "))
>>> values = kvs.map(lambda x: x[1].split(" "))*

Then I perform some computation in the values DStream.
For Example,
*>>> val = values.flatMap(lambda x: x*2)*

Now, I need to combine the */keys/* and the */val/* *DStream* and return the
result in the form of *Kafka* stream.

How to combine val to the corressponding key?

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