Hi All - I'm new to Spark and GraphX and I'm trying to perform a
simple sum operation for a graph.  I have posted this question to
StackOverflow and also on the gitter channel to no avail.  I'm
wondering if someone can help me out.  The StackOverflow link is here:

The problem as posted is included below (formatting is better on SO):

I'm trying to compute the sum of node values in a spark graphx graph.
In short the graph is a tree and the top node (root) should sum all
children and their children. My graph is actually a tree that looks
like this and the expected summed value should be 1850:

                     +--------------->    |  VertexID 14
                     |               |    |  Value: 1000
                 +---+--+            +----+
    +------------>      | VertexId 11
    |            |      | Value:     +----+
    |            +------+ Sum of 14 & 24  |  VertexId 24
+---++                +-------------->    |  Value: 550
|    | VertexId 20                   +----+
|    | Value:
+----++Sum of 11 & 911
      |           +-----+
      +----------->     | VertexId 911
                  |     | Value: 300

The first stab at this looks like this:

val vertices: RDD[(VertexId, Int)] =
      sc.parallelize(Array((20L, 0)
        , (11L, 0)
        , (14L, 1000)
        , (24L, 550)
        , (911L, 300)

  //note that the last value in the edge is for factor (positive or negative)
    val edges: RDD[Edge[Int]] =
        Edge(14L, 11L, 1),
        Edge(24L, 11L, 1),
        Edge(11L, 20L, 1),
        Edge(911L, 20L, 1)

    val dataItemGraph = Graph(vertices, edges)

    val sum: VertexRDD[(Int, BigDecimal, Int)] =
dataItemGraph.aggregateMessages[(Int, BigDecimal, Int)](
      sendMsg = { triplet => triplet.sendToDst(1, triplet.srcAttr, 1) },
      mergeMsg = { (a, b) => (a._1, a._2 * a._3 + b._2 * b._3, 1) }


This returns the following:


It's doing the sum for vertex 11 but it's not rolling up to the root
node (vertex 20). What am I missing or is there a better way of doing
this? Of course the tree can be of arbitrary size and each vertex can
have an arbitrary number of children edges.


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