I am trying to convert terabytes of json log files into parquet files.
but I need to clean it a little first.
I end up doing the following

txt = sc.textFile(inpath).coalesce(800)

val json = (for {
         line <- txt
         JObject(child) = parse(line)
         child2 = (for {
           JField(name, value) <- child
           _ <- patt(name) // filter fields with invalid names
         } yield JField(name.toLowerCase, value))
} yield compact(render(JObject(child2))))

sqx.jsonRDD(json, 5e-2).saveAsParquetFile(outpath)

And glaring inefficiency is that after parsing and cleaning the data i
reserialize it
by calling compact(render(JObject(child2)))) only to pass the text
to jsonRDD to be parsed agian. However I see no way  to turn an RDD of
json4s objects directly into a SchemRDD without turning it back into text

Is there any way to do this?

I am also open to other suggestions for speeding up the above code,
it is very slow in its current form.

I would also like to make jsonFile drop invalid json records rather than
failing the entire job. Is that possible?


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