hello all, I am building Spark1.6.2 and I meet a problem when doing mvn test

The command is mvn -e -Pyarn  -Phive -Phive-thriftserver  
and the test error is
- throws expected serialization exceptions on actions
- mapPartitions transformations throw proactive serialization exceptions *** 
  Expected exception org.apache.spark.SparkException to be thrown, but no 
exception was thrown. (ProactiveClosureSerializationSuite.scala:58)
- map transformations throw proactive serialization exceptions
- filter transformations throw proactive serialization exceptions
- flatMap transformations throw proactive serialization exceptions
- mapPartitionsWithIndex transformations throw proactive serialization 
exceptions *** FAILED ***
  Expected exception org.apache.spark.SparkException to be thrown, but no 
exception was thrown. (ProactiveClosureSerializationSuite.scala:58)

I think this test is about task not serializable, but why do I only get test 
error on mapPartitions and mapPartitionsWithIndex?


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