Re: problem in using Spark-Cassandra connector

2014-09-11 Thread Reddy Raja
You will have to create create KeySpace and Table. See the message, Table not found: EmailKeySpace.Emails Looks like you have not created the Emails table. On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 6:04 PM, Karunya Padala wrote: Hi, I am new to spark. I

Spark Streaming

2014-09-24 Thread Reddy Raja
Given this program.. I have the following queries.. val sparkConf = new SparkConf().setAppName(NetworkWordCount) sparkConf.set(spark.master, local[2]) val ssc = new StreamingContext(sparkConf, Seconds(10)) val lines = ssc.socketTextStream(args(0), args(1).toInt, StorageLevel.