How to configure link domaintoldap to define admin and user roles?

2022-06-08 Thread Jorge Luiz Correa
Hi all! In documentation I can see: cloudmonkey link domaintoldap domainid=12345678-90ab-cdef-fedc-ba0987654321\ accounttype=2\ ldapdomain="ou=people,dc=cloudstack,dc=apache,dc=org"\ type=OU So, for each member of

lift-and-shift tools/methods

2022-06-08 Thread Nikolaos Tsinganos
Hi everybody, � Are there any recommended “lilft-and-shift to cloudstack” tools/methods? … or maybe someone that wants to share his/her experience for an on-premises VMware to Cloudstack migration? (Cloud migration). � Regards, Nikolaos � � � � �