I have follow the procedure and it’s working very well, thanks, however in the 
usage records the tag field is null. I will need to set that tag for proper 
billing, any idea?

      "description": "Volume usage for DATA-7665 
(49825f4f-xxxx-42d1-xxxxx-e18fd5dcaef7) with disk offering NVMe Disk 
(026c74b1-xxxx-xxxx-a202-0ed113211f00) and size (10.00 GB) 10737418240",
      "domain": "xxxxxxxx",
      "domainid": "9c96ec87-xxxx-4a24-xxxx-6f9d074ec871",
      "enddate": "2022-08-12'T'23:59:59-05:00",
      "offeringid": "026c74b1-xxxx-4786-xxxx-0ed113211f00",
      "project": "624cc0abe8d6bf5a65c0518d",
      "projectid": "64992e22-0c30-xxxx-bf6e-c038e5d7121e",
      "rawusage": "12.441389",
      "size": 10737418240,
      "startdate": "2022-08-12'T'00:00:00-05:00",
      "tags": [],
      "usage": "12.441389 Hrs",
      "usageid": "49825f4f-xxxx-42d1-xxxx-e18fd5dcaef7",
      "usagetype": 6,
      "zoneid": "33fcacd8-xxxx-48e2-xxxx-bfa52a2fd68b"


From: Ricardo Pertuz <ricardo.per...@kuasar.co>
Date: Thursday, 11 August 2022, 9:46 PM
To: "users@cloudstack.apache.org" <users@cloudstack.apache.org>
Subject: Re: Usage Type Volumes - Use Case

Thanks Alex for your quick reply. That tag will appear in the cloud usage 
record tag field? I need that for proper billing.


From: Alex Mattioli <alex.matti...@shapeblue.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2022 9:41:09 PM
To: users@cloudstack.apache.org <users@cloudstack.apache.org>
Subject: RE: Usage Type Volumes - Use Case

Hi Ricardo,

You set the tag, say "HDD", on the storage offering and on the primary storage 
which you want to use for HDD, then do the same for all other storage types. 
When creating a volume the end user will select the offering "HDD, SATA or 
NVMe" and ACS will place the volume in a storage pool with the matching tag. 
That's all for disk volumes.
If you want the root disk to go to a certain storage pool then you need to set 
the storage tag in the compute offering.

Hope that helps, feel free to ask further, I've done a lot of work with storage 


-----Original Message-----
From: Ricardo Pertuz <ricardo.per...@kuasar.co>
Sent: 11 August 2022 22:57
To: users@cloudstack.apache.org
Subject: Usage Type Volumes - Use Case

Hi all,

In my cluster I would like to have many primary storages with different types: 
HDD, SATA and NVMe, how can I differentiate between them in the usage records? 
I see a tag field, but not so sure where to set it.



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