Michael, it's hard to say what's wrong without knowing what you expect.

What do you mean by "unique"? Having the same content? Having the same
@name? I think your unique-rows variable may not contain what you think.

BTW, the best place to go with xsl queries is usually the MulberryTech XSL
list, rather than the Cocoon lists.


-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Gerzabek [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, 2 December 2003 08:51
Subject: XSL question in Cocoon

sorry for crossposting, but I'm not a hundred percent sure
where to go with this issue.

I run C21 with a pretty FileGenerator that gives me xml.xml [1] attached
right on. As next step in my pipeline I use TraxTransformer(xalan, no XSLTC)
with xsl.xsl [2] to make some other xml out of it. Then I serialize
everything with

I do this quite often with different sources and the same stylesheet. And it
fine. But with the data enclosed I miss the third node in output and I can't
after a
hundred looks say why!?

Does anyone know why or where to direct my question?

Thanks in advance

[1] source xml
[2] transformation stylesheet

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