> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sebastian Klamar
> Sent: Saturday, 29 November 2003 21:35
> To: Cocoon User Mailinglist
> Subject: repeat-until for Sitemap Logic -- better solution?
> Is there any sitemap logic like a repeat-until statement
> Cocoon offers?
> (Matchers work like if-then, Selectors like switch-case, with
> Actions you
> can also simlutate a if-then afaik...)

You can replace iteration with recursion, like you would in XSLT.

To make a recursive call in the sitemap, a transformer in your "foo"
pipeline decides to create an Xinclude or cinclude element referring to
"cocoon:/foo?next-step=bar", which are then resolved using an include
transformer, thus calling the pipeline again.

I've used this technique a few times, including to aggregate content from
several web pages (i.e. web crawling) into a single document.



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