HI guys,

Doing my due-diligence in looking for a solution & SOGo is a pretty decent fit
(other alternatives being weighed up being Zimbra & Zarafa)

I've followed the guide @ LJ (http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/10894) &
looking over some other docs/guides (including the numerous ones delving into
Set up a new install on a Debian stable VM with MySQL (SAML2) authentication -
want to keep thing simple initially before adding LDAP & other integration.

The results are limited, but allows me to get a basic idea.

Ideally I would like to set up a ZEG appliance-type setup as available @
http://www.sogo.nu/english/downloads/zeg.html for VMWare (VMDK) & VirtualBox
(OVA), but my own infrastructure differs slightly, in that my HV is oVirt on
KVM/libvirt & It'll likely run on a Debian VM (LXC'd) - rather than Ubuntu.
Presently referencing instructions provided @

If I'm reading ^this^ correctly, hard-coded values & all, I believe I'll end up
with a standalone system more than an "appliance" as per the OVA/VMDK images

Is there a script that I can reference/modify that would enable me to
roll/deploy a SOGo instance & just fill in or generate the blanks unique to a
particular environment, as I would expect to be the case with an appliance

I'll next reference both the appliance & documentation mentioned before, but
would like to get some more input.

Thanks in advance
Kind regards

- J

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