1. If my submit links (see B) down below are built when the page is
built.  But I have a panel that is constantly changing.  How can I
change the links to become associated with a new form.  Just do
addOrReplace(on the links)?
2. Is there a way to "force" a submit on a form.  E.g. as opposed to
having a handler "onSubmit".  Is there a way to invoke the submit method
of a form?
...actually if there is a way to do point-2, then that would solve the
problem in point-1.
  <panel>   <------ Panel changes based on ajax link.  Dynamic content
    <form>  <------ Form also changes, need to associated this FORM with
the links down below.  [A]
  <link submit back>  <----- added in the page constructor  [B]
  <link submit next>  <----- added in the page constructor
Berlin Brown 

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