
I'm a real novice, so please forgive my question if it is trivial.

I've created a simple app with App Within Minutes, and I'd like to
customise it a little. For example I have a boolean checkbox and a
user selector with the app, which I'd like to be disabled (uneditable)
for all users except my manager. So that only the manager can edit the
assigned users to a 'task' and mark the task as complete. I'd also
like a second user selector to default to the currently logged in

I've spent a few days googling the problem, and I've come across
information in the xwiki mailing archive etc which makes me think that
it is possible to run checks against the current user using velocity
or groovy scripts embedded in one of the app sheets and modify the
respective elements. But I don't really understand how.

Can this actually be done?

Can anyone direct me to a resource that would clear this up for me? Or
give me an example code snippet and simple directions for its
implementation i.e. what sheet they should be inserted into? A real
idiot's guide

I'd really appreciate any help you could give me,


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