Uh-oh... do I have to remove you from the list of MN Vlogs now?? Nooo!

I've always been a proponent of the simplest, content-agnostic definition
of vlog: Video on a blog. A videoblog.

David, you're putting video on a blog so I'd say you fit the classic definition.

It gets a little blurry with YouTube and video podcasting.

* YouTube calls its users "broadcasters" and says it started as a 
  "personal video sharing service." Nevertheless, it has blog-like features.
   People can post videos over time and have a blog of sorts. Others
   can subscribe to your videos, though it is a closed system.

* Video podcasting, videocasting, what have you - these activities don't
  necessarily rely on a blog or even a web site. Content creators can make
  video for their subscribers on iTunes, Akimbo, Democracy, maybe TiVo.

These are all manifestations of a revolution in online video distribution. 
It's very exciting. And I'm sort of in the "who cares what you call it" camp.

I think vlog/videoblog have taken hold because the early adopters and
proponents used that term. It also happens to be easier to say and make
into a verb than the myriad alternatives.

I tend to think of myself as a filmmaker who chooses to distribute
my work in a vlog. Again, content-agnostic. However there's no doubt
the word vlog has some style connotations. "Vlog-style" -- holding the
camera with one hand pointed at yourself, talking to the camera, very
spontaneous and not over-produced. 

Long live vlog-style. :-)


http://vlogsanta.tv  (SEND MORE VIDEO QUESTIONS!)

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "David Howell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> So, ok...let me get this straight.
> Is there is a push to define all websites with video content on them
> as a "vlog" and the creator/s of the site are "vloggers"? Or, are
> there certain and specific requirements that dictate that one site is
> a vlog and one site is a website with video?
> Maybe, I joined the wrong Yahoo group? Does anyone know if there is a
> Yahoo group for web video content creators?
> David
> http://www.davidhowellstudios.com

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