Hi folks,

I just discovered this group by way of the most excellent blip.tv,
where I just relocated my own show, "The Gameshelf." I don't really
consider it a "vlog" as it's not very bloggy in style or presentation,
and more like a traditional half-hour TV show. In fact, it's produced
as a community access TV show where I live in Somerville,
Massachusetts (just north of Boston), but I consider it more of a
video podcast than a literal television program.

Its blip page: http://thegameshelf.blip.tv

The show features my friends and me examining obscure games of all
sorts, including board, parlor, and digital games. I've produced five
episodes so far, all of which you can see on blip. The first four were
largely produced at the end of 2005, but I published the most recent
(and certainly the best) one just a few weeks ago, and I consider it
the start of our second season. I hope to make a couple more before
summer. I also want to concentrate more on both promoting the show and
becoming more active in the online video-production community. So, hi!
I'd love to hear comments and criticism about my work.

Jason McIntosh
AIM:    zendonut
Cell:   617-792-3829

President and Founder
Volity Games

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