Hey guys, we are looking for a couple of people to shoot some video  
at our big Laughing Squid: Paradise Lost event this Saturday in San  
Francisco. We'll give you free admission, a Laughing Squid t-shirt  
and a couple of drink tickets. The video would be for our archives,  
but of course you can use it however you want as well (we don't need  
any kind of exclusive rights) and if you want to edit something  
together, even better. Oh and we can pay for tape stock as well.

Here's more info on the event:


We're also looking for a few lifecasting cyborgs to show up as well.



Scott Beale
primary tentacle, Laughing Squid

website/blog: http://laughingsquid.com
hosting: http://laughingsquid.net
squid list: http://laughingsquid.com/squidlist/events/
photos: http://laughingsquid.com/photo/
squid: http://squid.us

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