I thought some of you on this list might appreciate this video that I
shot almost 6 years ago. For some reason it had completely slipped my
mind until the other day.  We live streamed using the Linux Public
Broadcasting Network---this was in April of 2002 (take that Ustream!).
 Here's a link for those interested: 

After watching the video, it was interesting to see the state of
affairs of new media at that time and the aspirations expressed by
many of the speakers that are now within our reach.  Lots of
progressive issues and how to solve problems using new media are

Paul Garrin organized this event, and if you're not familiar with him,
you should definitely check him out-he is credited with starting the
camcorder revolution by capturing the Tompkins Square Riots in NYC in
1989 (before Rodney King).  More recently he's been involved in
fighting ICANN--you can read more


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