Hi Eric and Jason

Maybe I missed this, but just wondering why you chose Ning. Were you looking
at any of the other social apps too? How¹s you come to your  decisions.


Irene Duma
Strange Duck Media
...a good egg

T 416-769-1879 C 416-535-0652
web design and creative marketing


On 11/13/07 4:22 PM, "eric gunnar rochow" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> it looks like people aren't into the idea of a forum type group, but
> i've been working on a Ning.com site for Gardenfork and
> RealWorldGreen and it can send emails when new items are posted, and
> has some integration with Facebook and Twitter. and you can post videos.
> eric. .

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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