In answer to your questions, I think Michael Verdi has an excellent
site teaching beginners how to vlog

He really taught me how to get my video on to the web without using
companies like YouTube that own a piece of your copyright when you
upload them. I watched a panel at SXSW that talked about how to add
video to your weblog, but the panel didn't teach us much. The website
did, though.

It's a little Mac-centric, however. All the comments in this group
are. Since 80% of the market is PC (I'm guessing on percentages, but I
know it's a majority), you REALLY need to have someone who can teach
people how to do things with a PC.

I struggled for a long time and did some reviews of video-editing
software for PCs:

Maybe these resources can help you.

Good luck,
Laura Moncur

--- In, Aldon Hynes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've been fascinated by the discussion about 'The Shallow Nature of
> Blogging'.  Enric asks what this has to do with videoblogging.  I
think that
> is a very good and important question.  Personally, I want people to
view my
> work.  I want them to think that I've said something important.  I
want to
> change peoples lives through my work.  (Granted most of my work is still
> text based and isn't really life changing.  That is part of why I
come here
> to learn from some of you.)
> I guess my reaction is something like this:  If a videoblogger posts
a video
> of a tree falling in the forest, and no one watches the video, does it
> matter?
> In light of all of this, I would like to take Enric's question to
return to
> talking about technique, method, and related activity.  What
technique's and
> methods are going to help me produce videoblogs that people won't
dismiss as
> shallow?
> I have a very specific motive in this.  I am convening the citizen
> filmmaking track at the Media Giraffe Project summit at University of
> Massachusetts, Amherst on June 29th.  I am looking for the videos that
> illustrate the depth and beauty that videoblogging can provide.  I'm
> for people that can help others improve their craft.
> So, let me ask you a favor.  Can people on this list nominate people and
> videos that I can contact?
> ** Who are the best people to introduce others to how to make online
> Here, I'm looking for real nuts and bolts stuff here.  Who can speak
> about different cameras?  Who can speak best about different editing
> etc.
> ** Who are the best people to introduce others about making animations?
> Here, I'm looking at various styles, Flash, Machinima, 3D animatios,
> etc.
> ** If you could attend a master class on film making, aimed at
> videobloggers, who would you want to teach the class?
> ** Who are the best people to talk about getting videos distributed
> Here, I'm thinking about the people that can talk most intelligently
> pros and cons of different services like YouTube, Blip.TV, vSocial,
> ClipShack etc.  I'm also thinking about the best way to get other
people to
> find your videos.  Thoughts about sites like etc.
Finally, I'm
> interested in if anyone is doing stuff with bringing the best of
video blogs
> beyond the web, for example to public access TV.
> ** Finally, what are the best videos out there?
> Please let me know your thoughts on this.  Don't be shy.  Feel free to
> nominate yourself if you think you have something special to offer.
> Aldon

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