I have thought about giving up vlogging for a while. Not going to do
it just yet but I want to respect some of the other folks that are
thinking about it. It is important to give this a voice. It might be
the right thing to do. 

How can I think such a thing? 

A long time ago I had my own website. It was a pain to update, just to
add text entries and photos took hours. Adding a little .swf or video
file? Egad, the horror of the memory.

I had no way of knowing who came to the site. It was a long personal
URL and no one ever remembered it, even when I wrote it down. It was a
time sink without a return on investment. After three or so years I
gave it up.

Fast forward 10 years. Technology has made it easier for me to update
my material via the blog interface. I can upload video, know who is
viewing and make adjustments.  

It is not a time sink but a joy and a weekly or bi-weekly challenge. 
My content is being seen and not on YouTube. 

If it is a pain to set up and maintain a blog don't do it. There are
other paths. If you are willing to share content ownership for
viewership or for attracting folks to your main site go for it.

It will always comeback to:

1. Why are you doing this?
2. What are you getting out of the experience?
3. Is it enough or do you need more?
4. If it causes you to suffer (and not in a good way), then stop.

When you are ready, start again. There are no absolutes. You could
just take an extended break? A Sabbatical?  Or get on with other
aspects of your life.

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