On 11/16/2012 07:38 AM, frederick.hir...@nokia.com wrote:

Is the WG response (see below) to your Last Call issue (LC-2642)  [1]
on HTML Media Capture [2] regarding clarification of accept and capture
[attributes of <input>] sufficient for us to close the issue?

If timeless and/or hixie are happy with it, I am satisfied.

A rough summary is that

1. Accept indicates what is to be captured (e.g. image/*) and Capture
   indicates the source type, there can be more than one source type
   for a given 'what'

Other than filesystem vs. live (which could be satisfied by a boolean),
I don't see how the values of 'capture' are adding any information beyond
what can (and should) be provided by 'accept'.

2. Conflict is avoided by precedence rule in the specification that
   the accept attribute takes precedence over the capture attribute

This is fair. I still don't see why you are duplicating the type
information, though. As a general design principle, it's better
to make it impossible for the user/author to provide invalid
combinations than to provide error handling for it.

Btw, thank you for your careful tracking of issues: I appreciate
your meticulousness in addressing them.


    - http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2012Jul/0046.html
    - http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2012Jul/0047.html
    - http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2012Jul/0048.html
    - http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2012Jul/0049.html
    - http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2012Jul/0059.html
    - http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2012Jul/0060.html
    - http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2012Jul/0064.html

[2] http://dev.w3.org/2009/dap/camera/ (revised editors draft)

fantasai wrote:
I was wondering, how is 'capture' different from 'accept'? It seems to me the
following are equivalent:

   capture      accept
   camera       image/*
   camcorder    video/*
   microphone   audio/*
   filesystem   */*


Working Group Resolution (LC-2642):
No changes to the specification are needed, please see


Not only would this avoid duplication, it also avoids conflicts like

<input capture=microphone accept='image/*'>

I believe the spec does address this:

"The HTMLInputElement interface's accept attribute takes precedence over
the capture attribute. That is, if the accept attribute's value is set
to a MIME type that is not accepted in a defined capture state, the user
agent must act as if there was no capture attribute."



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