Note: while this email is intentionally cross-posted; my request is that any responses trim the replies down to *one* of the above lists.


At the present time within the HTML WG, there are no surveys active, and no calls for proposals. Some are actively working on converging to fewer active proposals for issue 152. The editors have some changes to apply before we proceed to Last Call. The chairs still have some surveys and proposals to evaluate.

Meanwhile, this may be a good time for others to begin to capture ideas for what comes after HTML5. I know that the WHATWG has ideas for some features and even has some speculative specification text beyond what can make the deadline for HTML5. I doubt the A11y team has exhausted their wish list.

At this time, I would like to request that people capture their ideas here:

Ideas don't need to be fully fleshed out. In fact, in many cases a simple pointer to a proposal or even a discussion hosted elsewhere is all that is needed at this time.

There isn't a hard deadline on this request, but we anticipate that the data captured will be discussed at the next AC meeting which goes from the 15th of May to the 17th of May.


- Sam Ruby

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