Matthew Paul Thomas wrote:
Either <div> is going to be in HTML 5 but has yet to be specified (like <object>), or it's not going to be in HTML 5 but is incorrectly used in some examples. If the latter, that will make certain the semantic-free fates of <section> and <p>.

AIUI, HTML 5 will inherit everything from HTML 4 Strict, except for some selected presentational elements/attributes and, I suspect, the few attributes that are widely unsupported (e.g. char and charoff for table cells).

Div is required, there is sometimes no other alternative. It's not presentational, though it's not particularly semantic either and unless it's used with semantic attribues like lang and dir, it's purely structural. But the semantics available with the other elements can't possibly cover every possible use case and div is sometimes the only choice without resorting to abusing another semantic element. Although, such cases will be reduced significantly now that we have the various sectioning elements.

Lachlan Hunt

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