I'm wondering if anybody has had any further thoughts on how <summary> and <details> should be made stylable.

My initial feelings were along the lines of Tab's -- the disclosure widget feels very much like something that is created like a list bullet and matched with ::marker. But reading Ian's reply I'm beginning to think that this is inadequate, as some platforms may not use a small separate widget for expanding/collapsing the details at all, and thus at some point in the future a binding should be used to define the element's native behaviour, and authors could switch that off with binding:none to get a stylable element.

But I also feel that authors should be able to get a useful, stylable presentation of the element without having to construct it themselves, e.g. by using the UA styles that Lachy suggested. Would it be feasible to have a native presentation of the element, which you could opt out of with binding:none, and to have something like Lachy's styles apply when the native binding isn't being used?

When the native appearance is being used, should it be possible to target the disclosure widget with ::marker, or to be able to use list-style-type to change from the default disclosure widget, if the natural presentation of a details/summary for the platform is like a list bullet? If that is not the way the platform would present a details/summary, should attempting to style the bullet automatically turn off the native rendering?

One thing that I don't like about thinking of the disclosure widget as a list bullet is that it requires the element to have display:list-item. I am not sure how useful it would be to have a <summary> element be inline or inline-block for example, but I feel like it would be good to support the creation of the ::marker in a manner independent of the display type.

But I am drawn to the idea of using list-style-type to specify the plain CSS disclosure widget appearance. It seems natural to me for authors to use list-style-image to supply a custom image.

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