Bawolff created this task.
Bawolff added projects: Timeless, Wikidata-Page-Banner, Technical-Debt.
Restricted Application added a project: Wikidata.

  It appears that wikidata page banner uses an (essentially) undocumented* skin 
api ('prebodyhtml') that is only implemented in Vector and Minerva.
  *It is technically documented, but there's the strong implication it is a 
skin-specific hack to make VectorBeta work and not meant for general usage nor 
expected to be implemented by skins in general.
  It uses a blacklist to use an alternative approach in all other skins that (I 
assume) the extension author could think of.
  This is a bad approach. If nothing else, given this api basically only exists 
in Vector and is not documented as something skins are expected to implement, 
it should be using a whitelist of good skins, since basically no skins 
implement it.
  Better would be to have some sort of class constant if the api is supported, 
so skins can do feature detection.
  Even better would be, if the feature is actually useful and a good idea, 
would be to document/standardize it so that all skins are expected to implement 
it (What this entails in our context is debatable. At a bare minimum it should 
be in the official "example" skin and perhaps have a more explicit code comment 
in skins/SkinTemplate.php.
  The original context that this came up in is that WikidataPageBanner does not 
seem to work in Timeless and some other skins. Arguably one could band-aid this 
by just adding Timeless to the blacklist, but that seems like just pushing the 
tech-debt down the road.



To: Bawolff
Cc: Bawolff, alaa_wmde, Nandana, Chief_Mike, CycloneIsaac, Lahi, Gq86, 
GoranSMilovanovic, Jayprakash12345, QZanden, LawExplorer, Framawiki, _jensen, 
rosalieper, Evad37, Izno, MGChecker, Feldo, Wong128hk, Luke081515, Unapersona, 
Wikidata-bugs, aude, Dinoguy1000, waldyrious, RandomDSdevel, Lydia_Pintscher, 
Isarra, Mbch331, Jay8g, Ltrlg
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