Hello all,

I would like to announce the release of MediaWiki Language Extension
Bundle 2014.08. This bundle is compatible with MediaWiki 1.23.x and
MediaWiki 1.22.x releases.

* Download: 
* sha256sum: f4663910facd2b34d4afb1af930f66adad22b2746f9395f7706f07751e633857

Quick links:
* Installation instructions are at: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MLEB
* Announcements of new releases will be posted to a mailing list:
* Report bugs to: https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org
* Talk with us at: #mediawiki-i18n @ Freenode

Release notes for each extension are below.

-- Kartik Mistry

== Babel, CLDR, CleanChanges and LocalisationUpdate ==
* Only localisation updates.

== Translate ==
=== Noteworthy changes ===
* Breaking change: Dropped support for MediaWiki 1.21 (2014.05 is the
latest version of MLEB as a whole which supports 1.21)
* Avoid losing translators' edits: improved handling of expired
sessions ({{bug|69314}}).
** Status has yellow background if the translation has not been saved.
** Show an alert to the user if session has expired.
** Prevent saving translations as an anonymous user accidentally.
* Restore progress icon for the current translation page (regression
from MLEB 2014.07).
* Update associated translation pages when moving translation units.
* Show definition diff for all messages if available, not just for
outdated messages.
* Special:AggregateGroups: Group selector is now input field with
autocompletion instead of combobox.
* Special:PageMigration: Don't add the created pages to watchlist.
* Special:PagePreparation: This is a new special page to assist in
preparing pages for translation

== UniversalLanguageSelector ==
* Change the autonym for Algerian Arabic.
* Localisation updates.

==== Input Methods ====
* Tibetian-ewts: Use of unicode NFC instead of NFD.
* Fixed description in Bengali Probhat layout.

==== Fonts ====
* Added Comic Neue font. It is available for English and other
languages using the latin alphabet.
* Updated UnifrakturMaguntia font to the latest version.

Kartik Mistry/કાર્તિક મિસ્ત્રી | IRC: kart_
{kartikm, 0x1f1f}.wordpress.com

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