Well, hello.

Sharing random numbers from that past Gregorian calendar year 2021 with
you. Big thanks to all technical contributors! <3

=== Phabricator 2021 ===

* 27432 tasks got created.
* 24723 tasks got closed.
* 3746 people were active in Phabricator.
* 2171 people created tasks.
* 787 people closed tasks.
* The 20 people who created the most tasks:
    ppelberg               426
    Reedy                  379
    Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE 374
    Legoktm                355
    Jdlrobson              336
    Jdforrester-WMF        324
    RobH                   304
    Aklapper               271
    Inductiveload          256
    Addshore               244
    dcaro                  244
    Majavah                232
    bd808                  232
    DVrandecic             231
    cmassaro               215
    kostajh                215
    kai.nissen             212
    Krinkle                200
    Michael                196
    DannyS712              195
* The 20 people who closed the most tasks:
    Aklapper               981
    Addshore               672
    Jdlrobson              583
    Jdforrester-WMF        580
    Jopparn                558
    Etonkovidova           546
    ppelberg               490
    Urbanecm               466
    Krinkle                374
    Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE 340
    hashar                 333
    Reedy                  332
    Samwalton9             321
    LGoto                  314
    Legoktm                309
    Xqt                    294
    ovasileva              288
    kai.nissen             268
    Gehel                  255
    matmarex               251

=== Gerrit 2021 ===

* 54097 changesets got created. [1]
* 98771 code reviews took place. [2]
* 586 people created patches. [3]
* The 20 people who submitted the most changesets: [4]
    Umherirrender             2609
    Robert Vogel              1319
    DannyS712                 1265
    Zabe                      1251
    Legoktm                   1241
    Jforrester                1237
    Jbond                     1225
    Reedy                     1198
    Urbanecm                  1147
    Pwirth                    1032
    Lucas Werkmeister (WMDE)   966
    Xqt                        920
    Eileen                     901
    Ladsgroup                  901
    Thiemo Kreuz (WMDE)        897
    Andrew Bogott              745
    Elukey                     715
    Marostegui                 703
    Muehlenhoff                684
    Dzahn                      682
* The 20 people who reviewed the most patchsets: [5]
    Jforrester                4176
    Jbond                     4045
    DannyS712                 3855
    Robert Vogel              3119
    Umherirrender             2986
    Kunal Mehta               2516
    Moritz Muehlenhoff        2231
    Luca Toscano              2223
    Daniel Zahn               2144
    Patric Wirth              1823
    Andrew Bogott             1811
    Marostegui                1713
    Martin Urbanec            1709
    Filippo Giunchedi         1602
    Ppchelko                  1526
    Andrew Otto               1482
    Jon Robson                1378
    aborrero                  1327
    Timo Tijhof               1289
    Giuseppe Lavagetto        1252

If you find a bug in these numbers, please see


[1] See "Gerrit 🡒 Changesets" on "Gerrit 🡒 Overview": 
[2] See "Total Number of Code Reviews 🡒 Approvals" on "Gerrit 🡒 Approvals": 
[3] See "Gerrit 🡒 Changeset Submitters" on "Gerrit 🡒 Overview": 
[4] See "Submitters" on "Gerrit 🡒 Overview": 
[5] See "Approvals by Reviewer" on "Gerrit 🡒 Approvals": 

Andre Klapper (he/him) | Bugwrangler / Developer Advocate
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