> On 30 Jan 2017, at 17:11, Mandy Chung <mandy.ch...@oracle.com> wrote:
> Moving it to platform class loader is okay with me.  I’m still unsure if 
> jdk.vm.compiler should be defined by the boot loader instead and you may want 
> to look into in a future release.

We also want jdk.vm.compiler to be upgradeable (as discussed in another thread) 
so that we can test newer development versions of Graal as the VM JIT via 
--upgrade-module-path instead of having to rebuild the JDK. As far as I 
understand, this means it cannot be defined by the boot loader.

> You can change make/common/Modules.gmk to move it to the PLATFORM_MODULES 
> list.

I’ve extended the webrev with that change - please re-review:


Strangely, there was no existing declaration of jdk.vm.compiler in Modules.gmk.

BTW, I never answered your question:

"How does JVMCI call out to jdk.vm.compiler?  does it load classes using 
Class::forName with the system class loader?”

It uses JVMCIServiceLocator[1] which is a mechanism built on the standard 



>> On Jan 29, 2017, at 12:40 PM, Doug Simon <doug.si...@oracle.com> wrote:
>> Both jdk.vm.ci and jdk.vm.compiler should be considered part of the VM since 
>> they have the same capabilities as Unsafe. Arguably they could be considered 
>> even more trusted as they make it easier to do what one could (in theory) do 
>> with Unsafe. However, maybe they can still be defined by the platform class 
>> loader as 17 of 27 modules in default.policy[1] are granted AllPermission.
>> -Doug
>> [1] 
>> http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk9/dev/jdk/file/tip/src/java.base/share/lib/security/default.policy
>>> On 28 Jan 2017, at 02:00, Mandy Chung <mandy.ch...@oracle.com> wrote:
>>> To clarify my question, I am not objecting fo jdk.vm.compiler be included 
>>> in the runtime. I’m trying to figure what the right loader should be.  It 
>>> seems to me that it should be defined by the boot loader, as it is part of 
>>> the VM.  However, another thread suggests that you want jdk.vm.compiler to 
>>> be upgradeable as Graal version requires other dependencies.  We only 
>>> support modules defined by the platform class loader be upgradeable.
>>> Mandy
>>>> On Jan 27, 2017, at 9:52 AM, Mandy Chung <mandy.ch...@oracle.com> wrote:
>>>> I have been wondering what defining loader jdk.vm.compiler should be, if 
>>>> used for JIT at runtime.  That’s one reason I mentioned that the VM does 
>>>> not delegate to any of its child loader.
>>>> How does JVMCI call out to jdk.vm.compiler?  does it load classes using 
>>>> Class::forName with the system class loader?
>>>> Mandy
>>>>> On Jan 27, 2017, at 9:23 AM, Doug Simon <doug.si...@oracle.com> wrote:
>>>>> Since jdk.vm.compiler can be used as the VM compiler, shouldn't it be 
>>>>> loaded by the platform class loader? I hope jdk.vm.ci is using the 
>>>>> platform class loader. Where is this decision encoded?
>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>> On Jan 27, 2017, at 5:45 PM, Sean Mullan <sean.mul...@oracle.com> wrote:
>>>>>> I would need more time to understand the issue, but default.policy is 
>>>>>> not the right place to be granting these permissions, since this module 
>>>>>> is not loaded by the platform class loader. From the first 3 lines of 
>>>>>> default.policy:
>>>>>> //
>>>>>> // Permissions required by modules stored in a run-time image and loaded
>>>>>> // by the platform class loader.
>>>>>> --Sean
>>>>>>> On 1/26/17 7:36 PM, Mandy Chung wrote:
>>>>>>> I’ll let Drew and Sean to advise on this. (Drew, Sean - sorry for 
>>>>>>> missing to include you in this offlist thread).
>>>>>>> jdk.vm.compiler is defined by the application class loader.  It’d be 
>>>>>>> the first one in JDK if we grant it with AllPermissions and so the 
>>>>>>> security team should be the experts to review this.
>>>>>>> Mandy
>>>>>>>> On Jan 26, 2017, at 1:17 PM, Thomas Wuerthinger 
>>>>>>>> <thomas.wuerthin...@oracle.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> While the addition of "-Djava.security.policy=jit.policy” is not an 
>>>>>>>> issue, we would like to avoid the need for additional files.
>>>>>>>> To me -XX:+UseJVMCICompiler should pretty much imply that 
>>>>>>>> “jdk.vm.compiler” will be granted java.security.AllPermission. The 
>>>>>>>> code running in the “jdk.vm.compiler” module can install machine code 
>>>>>>>> in the VM. I don’t think there is a scenario in which one would like 
>>>>>>>> to run any “untrusted” code as part of this module.
>>>>>>>> - thomas
>>>>>>>>> On 26 Jan 2017, at 19:05, Mandy Chung <mandy.ch...@oracle.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Sicen it’s experimental, when -Djava.security.manager is set, is it 
>>>>>>>>> an option to require to set -Djava.security.policy as well?
>>>>>>>>> java -server -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -Djava.security.manager 
>>>>>>>>> -Djava.security.policy=jit.policy -XX:+BootstrapJVMCI 
>>>>>>>>> -XX:+UseJVMCICompiler -version
>>>>>>>>> $ cat jit.policy
>>>>>>>>> grant codeBase "jrt:/jdk.vm.compiler" {
>>>>>>>>> permission java.security.AllPermission;
>>>>>>>>> };
>>>>>>>>> jdk.vm.compiler is defined by the application class loader.  The 
>>>>>>>>> bootstrap class loader doesn’t delegate to the application class 
>>>>>>>>> loader when resolving a class that is initiated from a class that is 
>>>>>>>>> defined by the bootstrap class loader.  I don’t know how VM/JIT 
>>>>>>>>> interacts with jdk.vm.compiler.   Just to mention it.
>>>>>>>>> Mandy
>>>>>>>>>> On Jan 26, 2017, at 9:34 AM, Thomas Wuerthinger 
>>>>>>>>>> <thomas.wuerthin...@oracle.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Mandy,
>>>>>>>>>> We do have an agreement that part of the goal for JVMCI is to be 
>>>>>>>>>> able to run under an experimental flag Graal as a JIT in JDK9 in 
>>>>>>>>>> order for external folks to test Graal as a JIT. Not being able to 
>>>>>>>>>> do so would be considered a blocker for us.
>>>>>>>>>> - thomas
>>>>>>>>>>> On 26 Jan 2017, at 17:57, Mandy Chung <mandy.ch...@oracle.com> 
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> (offlist)
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Doug,
>>>>>>>>>>> I guess this may be coming from security assessment.  As I 
>>>>>>>>>>> understand, jdk.vm.compiler is not used for JIT in JDK 9.  Why do 
>>>>>>>>>>> you need to ensure jdk.vm.compiler can run with security manager 
>>>>>>>>>>> out of the box?
>>>>>>>>>>> Mandy
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Jan 26, 2017, at 8:55 AM, Mandy Chung <mandy.ch...@oracle.com> 
>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Jan 26, 2017, at 3:13 AM, Doug Simon <doug.si...@oracle.com> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> jdk.vm.compiler is defined by the application class loader and 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it’s used by AOT tool.  I wonder why it has to run with security 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> manager.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Without java.security.AllPermission, the policy for 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> jdk.vm.compiler required to get through a bootstrap (i.e., java 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -server -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -Djava.security.manager 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> -XX:+BootstrapJVMCI -XX:+UseJVMCICompiler -version) is show below 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (annotated with comments denoting the methods requiring the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> permissions):
>>>>>>>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>>>>>>> Are -XX:+BootstrapJVMCI -XX:+UseJVMCICompiler supported to use at 
>>>>>>>>>>>> runtime?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> There’s no guarantee that this is all the permissions required 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> since not all code paths are exercised during bootstrap.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You can reference JDK tools such as jdk.compiler and jdk.jlink 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that are not granted with any permission.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Neither of those tools create code and install it in the VM. I 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> don’t think a fine grained SecurityManager policy makes sense for 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> a VM compiler since it could subvert security by 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> compiling/installing malicious code. That is, a VM compiler has 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to be a trusted component. Keep in mind that user code cannot get 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to jdk.vm.compiler.
>>>>>>>>>>>> My question is not about granting fine-grained permissions vs 
>>>>>>>>>>>> AllPermissions.  I expect jdk.vm.compiler is used with jdk.aot 
>>>>>>>>>>>> which does not run with security manager.
>>>>>>>>>>>> If jdk.vm.compiler is run with VM as JIT and with security 
>>>>>>>>>>>> manager, the user can set -Djava.security.policy to a security 
>>>>>>>>>>>> policy configuring the permission for jdk.vm.compiler.
>>>>>>>>>>>> grant codeBase "jrt:/jdk.vm.compiler" {
>>>>>>>>>>>> permission java.security.AllPermission;
>>>>>>>>>>>> };
>>>>>>>>>>>> If -XX:+BootstrapJVMCI -XX:+UseJVMCICompiler are supported, the 
>>>>>>>>>>>> other question I have is which loader jdk.vm.compiler should be 
>>>>>>>>>>>> defined?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Mandy

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