
I work for an organisation which runs a number of applications inside an EKS 
cluster hosted in AWS. In order for the applications to communicate, they 
obtained bearer tokens from the AWS Cognito library, and in order to obtain the 
tokens, we have coded up User-SRP auth. This code has been running happily on 
JDK21 since October 2023, and before that in JDK17.

The User-SRP auth implementation (which we took from 
 runs within our applications sometimes from within a platform thread, and in 
other cases on a virtual thread from inside a StructuredTaskScope. Again, this 
code has been live for over 6 months.

Last week I upgraded the application to be compiled by JDK22, and run on JDK22. 
Immediately, we started to see failures from within the User-SRP auth code only 
when it was run on a virtual thread from within a StructuredTaskScope. The 
failures are merely that the code appears to have calculated the wrong 
authentication response (i.e. AWS Cognito returns a message to the effect that 
we have the wrong username or password). It is not possible that this could be 
the case, because the same application, using the same username/password combo 
is able to successfully authenticate to AWS Cognito using User-SRP auth from a 
platform thread.

My conclusion has to be that, on JDK22, and only from a virtual thread (within 
a StructuredTaskScope?), the javax.crypto classes being used are not behaving 
as intended.

I realise that this is not much to go on; I am not a security expert, and nor 
do I know much about User-SRP, and don't really know how to go about 
constructing a reproducer for this. We cannot replicate the issue running 
locally on our machines from Windows; it only seems to happen from the machines 
inside our AWS cluster. This is the relevant information:

OS: Linux amd64/5.10.184-175.731.amzn2.x86_64

Java: Oracle Corporation OpenJDK 64-bit Server VM/22+36-2370

Classes used within User-SRP auth layer:


I hope that this is helpful.


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